Monday, February 04, 2008

In no particular order...

Hello lovely people! YAY for 2008!!!! I hope you are all having a wonderful new year thus far. I have loads of things to catch up on...Soooo - let's start with Pre-Christmas and work our way through...

My lovely friend Melina and I were invited to a fabulous party held downtown...I think it was for a Magazine Launch and some sort of liquor - but really it was just a girl's night out for us. :) The party was quite fun with dancing and some Twin Boys - that apparently I didn't think were actually twins (and we got scared off and ran out)...and the evening ended at Denny's. yes Denny's people! I think the pictures say it all. :)

Random Twins we met and then we ran away :)

Susie and Melina...Susie is the host of the party...

Denny's Goodness...

Who's the drunkards?!?

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