Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Taming of the Shrew...or not.

As most of you know, I was in a production of Taming of the Shrew which has been cancelled due to problems with Building permits and such. Quite sad as it was an amazing group of actors...however, I made a lot of friends from the time spent rehearsing so it's all good. :)

One of my fellow Actors was in a really good show called "Back of the Throat" (not what you think you dirty people!) at the Pasadena Playhouse so a bunch of us rallied together to support him. A very fun evening ensued as we continued the parade to a Mexican Restaurant nearby (I would plug it, but I can't remember the name...yikes I need to write things down!). Of course, there was singing with the lovely Mariachi player and very loud conversation!

Thank you to my friend Scott for organizing the evening and to Stasha and Gugun for singing their little hearts out at the table! :)

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