Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Victoria the Mason?

So, NYC has an amazing program every year called "open House NY" where they do just that. They open the doors to many private homes and museums so the public can view them for free. Most of the Architectural Sites but one of them was the Masonic Lodges of NY. They're all located in one building which each lodge having a different theme. Some of them are really cool and others tended to be a bit plain. Intersting though as they had Masons answering questions...though I don't know if "We can't tell you that" is an answer to a question. Quite secretive...Oh and it rained the entire time we were out...ah it's the lovely east coast! :)

1 comment:

Steve said...

The answer "We/I can't tell you that" is actually quite similar to anyone running for the Supreme Court lately!???

"Hi" to Lucas by the way!