Saturday, April 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Natalie...

My friend Natalie plays in a salsa band called "La Picante" and the night of her birthday I joined them at "Monsoon" in Santa Monica. Hmm that's kind of a boring start to this post...but the night was faaaar from boring. The band is really tight and Natalie sounded and looked amazing - talented girl that one. I must admit I wasn't in much of a dancing mood - but it was quite flattering that shortly after Melina and I sat down men were coming over...Ah yes, we all know I like the attention.
Hal and I decided that a birthday dance for natalie was in order - and if you have seen Hal dance - you know it's very distracting and seeing as it's lead by his belly - pretty funny.

It was so nice to see all you lovely people!!!

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