Monday, September 29, 2008


Hi lovely people...sooo guess what! I ordered a new camera! What does this mean for you? Well, it means that I will be going out and taking pictures of my life...which you're probably in if you're reading this. If you're not in it - well maybe you will be someday?

Loads of things have changed in the last...oh 48 hours, 2 weeks, 3 months...and i know most of you haven't been in on any of it...sorry 'bout that. This all changes the start of October. :)

By the way: I did take a trip across the country once again - sadly I used my travel companions and haven't actually received any pictures. Trust me, it was quite an eventful trip though...there was a Baseball game in Toronto with a gay heckler behind us, a beautiful Michigan wedding, loads of driving, Casino on the Iowa/Nebraska border, a lovely visit to Denver and most important and eventful: me - a mountain bike - and a rock - collided. However, I made it back to LA in one piece...then life turned upside down several times in a row and slowly I am getting my feet back on the ground. :)
So, back to fun entries soon!!!! xo

1 comment:

Steve said...

So let's see some photos! Your entourage awaits.