Thursday, July 27, 2006

Okay, just a couple more...

okay, I'm done :) Well, until I get some new ones...hint hint!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Random Pic...

Does it look like I'm a lush? :)

OMG they are so freakin cute!

So lieb! Rayne und Marie-Sophie! :)

Little Summer Bugs :)

Seriously - I don't think it gets any better than those smiles! :)
Can you tell that I'm missing my family? Pictures of Little Rayna cover the walls of my apartment so hopefully she knows that her Tante loves her! Little Marie-Sophie isn't so little anymore so I hope to see her in the Autumn months! I miss her and can't wait to see the rest of my family- pictures the family are all over my walls (I have a lot of wall space) :)

Summer Sundown...

From my window...'twas a lovely evening sky. Hmm maybe I need to get out more :)

Moca at Night...

One Saturday evening, my friend Daniel and his cousin Sarah and I enjoyed a lovely evening at Moca - the Museum of Contemporary Art, downtown LA. Cut Chemist dj'd (is that how one would write that?) and basically it's just a lovely way to see Modern Art. The actual Museum is quite small but it packed in quite a nice crowd. Cut Chemist played most of his new album - of which I wasn't a huge fan. The treble was turned up too high and it was much heavier than I thought it would be. Doesn't he usually play a bit more old-school/funk type of stuff...maybe I'm just making that up. The crowd was lovely though - people enjoying drinks, dancing, admiring art - the make up of a lovely Saturday night. :) Highly recommend checking it out - every Saturday throughout the summer months! :)

Wet Rags...

Hi :) Sooo, LA has had a bit of a heat wave. Now, we all know that I'm not a huge fan of talking about the weather, but this is crazy! I'm in Taming of the Shrew at the LA Shakespeare Company, which rehearses in Topanga...yup Topanga Canyon where the heat index is easily over 100 degrees fahrenheit. Hmm, I just want you all to imagine a bunch of actors, soaked through - looking a bit like wet puppies rehearsing Shakespeare. I shall get some pictures for you soon as I am sure it's quite difficult to imagine. :) We have found some interesting places to stick ice though - but we won't go there as this is a PG blog :)
Here are some pics where we are dried off and drinking - no wait, maybe we're just eating. :)