Hello again! Well - the travel continues! :) In the last month I've been back to NY as well as a week spent in Minnesota. Now, I'm back in Los Angeles packing up my apartment to be a gypsy for the summer and travel to (with an extended stay in NY) Boston, Maine, NY, Minnesota and a road trip across the country in August! Woowoo!
My trip to NY in mid April was quite lovely! For one thing, 'twas a lot warmer for Vespa-ing around. This trip was to me a bit different than the last one. I felt more at ease being back in the city - perhaps it's because when I bolted down the escalator to catch the train, I pried the doors back open and felt like Superwoman. Ah, I remember doing that all the time...Greg and I have also gotten to know each other better and this time were a bit more relaxed and used to each other being around. Don't worry, I won't give my full evaluation here - I'll save it for my regular journal rather than the oh so public internet. :)
So, here's what I remember: late nights, coffee, vespa repair, playing with streetlights (uh you'll have to ask me on this one), cherry blossoms at Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, meeting lovely new people, eating, getting caught with wine ooh the shame, watching softball - you're #1 - Go Diggers, dancing, Art, finally meeting Keith who was so nice and makes the best drink ever and love. more love.