Peter Leake, James Loren, Matt Crabtree and the lovely Melina...and my nostrils
Andrew Graves and Heather Roop...and audience members...
Artistic Director: Geoff Forward and my Fenton - Matt Crabtree
Freaky Greggie...and non freaky James Loren
Greggie...and Terence Rotolo
Saundra McClain the fabulous...
James Loren and Dennis Gersten, Caroline...hmm must look up surn :)
Most of you reading this know that I'm currently in the LA Shakespeare Company's production of
"Merry Wives of Windsor" - I've clearly renamed the play to make it about me. Shocking no? :) The Show opened January 18th and will run through March 1st in Topanga's good - come see it. :) I play Ann and Robin - how many times will you get to see me play a little gangsta boy?
Opening night was quite a success with a full house and a fabulous post show party...So here are the pictures...