WARNING: White tourist girl! Seriously, I think I blinded people, though I managed to get some colour by the end of the weekend. :) I was really off my picture taking game as I missed quite a few opportunities...just another reason to go back. Missing are the Friday night excursion (which may be a good thing that there's no proof) and the Superbowl party. :( Sorry!
I have to say that I had incredibly high expectations for this island and they were surpassed! It's beautiful! I would like to again sometime soon to visit some of the other islands, but Oahu is lovely. We travelled to the north shore, stopping at Giovanni's Shrimp-all must stop there as they have delicious Shrimp Scampi. I go to see Sea Turtles in the waves - the north shore is famous for it's huge waves in the wintertime (though they were apparently taking a rest when I was there), I surfed and went hiking through a rainforest to a waterfall. Enjoyed a "local" night out by going downtown to view Art Galleries and sing Karaoake (very badly) and end the night drinking budweisers while some people tried to beat each other up. Perhaps they were just trying to wrestle the microphone out of our hands. Sorry, no pictures from that night...so no proof, but perhaps that's a good thing!
Definitely understandable why so many people get married there or take their honeymoon there. :) Soooo, a huge THANK YOU to my friend Charles for making it an amazing trip and for introducing me to lovely people!!! LA was a huge adjustment this past week...It's pretty easy to get used to the slooowww hawaiian lifestyle.